With changing marijuana laws around the country, it can be confusing to know how the laws apply to the many products being developed with components of the substance. While CBD oil has been all the rage over the last few years, legalization in some areas has brought about a renewed focus on the benefits of THC. From edibles to oils, the legality of these products is still somewhat questionable in areas that have restricted marijuana use to just medical allowances.
Knowing the legality of THC oil in Florida can help you avoid making any costly mistakes that might result in having to address such charges and the legal issues that will need a skilled attorney to deal with.
What is THC Oil?
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the active ingredient in the cannabis flower. Extracting it allows users to ingest it in myriad other ways. One common method is mixing the THC extract with a carrier oil to create THC oil. It can be used in a vape pen or taken under the tongue. It is an effective intoxicant because THC is the psychoactive component in cannabis and thus produces a similar effect as smoking marijuana.
Is THC Oil Legal in Florida?
Marijuana laws in Florida have always been somewhat stringent, and even with the advent of medical marijuana in the Sunshine State, this has not changed. THC oil is not legal in Florida and is listed as a Schedule I controlled substance.
Where possession of cannabis under 20 grams is a first-degree misdemeanor in Florida, possession of THC oil is a third-degree felony punishable by up to five years in prison and up to $5,000 in fines. Additional penalties include probation, mandatory substance abuse treatment or diversion to a drug court program for first-offenders.
Possible THC Oil Crime Defenses
To prove that you are guilty of possessing THC oil, prosecutors must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you knowingly possessed the substance and that you were fully aware that it was THC oil or some form of concentrated marijuana. To that end, there are various ways that a criminal attorney can defend you against those charges, ranging from lack of knowledge of possession of THC oil to illegal search and seizure methods.
In fact, the comprehensive options that a criminal attorney can offer in terms of a defense on this charge are one of many reasons that choosing a reputable Florida criminal defense lawyer is critical to a successful case outcome.
Reach Out to a Knowledgeable Criminal Defense Attorney If You’ve Been Charged with Possession of THC Oil in Florida
The laws on marijuana and THC products continue to evolve where legalization has not yet taken place. However, there are various possible explanations and strategies that can be implemented in your case, depending on the circumstances. For more than 30 years, Criminal Defense Attorney Brian Gabriel has helped individuals with their marijuana-related offenses in Florida. He will handle your case using all the knowledge and skill developed over the span of his career to depend your rights.
Start by calling The Law Office of Gabriel & Gabriel at (561) 622-5575 for a free consultation today. You can also complete an online contact form to learn more.