In Florida, punishment for convicted felons does not end after completing their incarceration, parole, or even probation sentence. After being released from jail or prison, convicted felons are often excited to return to their normal lives, only to discover that their post-conviction lives are vastly different from the lives they once knew and loved. It may be common knowledge that convicted felons lose various rights once they are sentenced, but many are surprised to learn that their felony could affect their ability to travel.
Are Convicted Felons in West Palm Beach Allowed to Travel Out of the Country?
As a Floridian, if you would like to travel to and from the United States, you will need a type of international identification known as a passport. However, a valid passport will not automatically grant you the right to enter another country, as the country you intend to visit will decide who is allowed to cross their border.
Some countries require visitors from the United States to apply for a visa in order to gain visitation access. Individuals with felonies on their criminal record are ineligible to obtain visas in many countries.
What Crimes Could Keep You from Obtaining a U.S. Passport in West Palm Beach?
In the United States, people convicted of felonies are not restricted from applying for a U.S. passport unless they have committed a crime involving international drug trafficking. Therefore, anyone caught smuggling drugs across an international border will automatically be barred from possession of a U.S. passport.
U.S. passport applications will also be disqualified if the individual:
- Owes $5,000 or more in child support
- Has a parole order, probation order, or court order that restricts their travel or passport status
The most effective way to protect your ability to travel abroad is to prevent a felony charge from becoming a conviction at all. A skilled criminal defense lawyer will have the previous experience and know-how to investigate your unique case thoroughly. After researching your case, your attorney can pinpoint the best way to preserve your criminal record and, thus, protect your ability to travel across international borders.
Fight a Felony Charge in West Palm Beach with an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer
A conviction for a felony charge has lifelong consequences that can impede your future ambitions to travel, further your career, move to a new residence, and even own a firearm. An experienced West Palm Beach criminal defense attorney can help you create an effective defense strategy to mitigate any felony charges from sticking in the first place.
Criminal Defense Attorney Brian Gabriel has served West Palm Beach and other Palm Beach County communities for over 30 years. Mr. Gabriel has successfully defended numerous clients facing felony charges and will work to mitigate your penalties or, in some cases, have your charges dropped entirely. For a free consultation, call The Law Office of Gabriel & Gabriel, where Mr. Gabriel will handle your case using all the knowledge and skill developed over the span of his career. His phone number is (561) 622-5575, or you may submit a completed contact form to request more information about how Mr. Gabriel can assist you in fighting your charges.