Filing a claim with your car insurance company can be tedious and complex. As a result, people sometimes provide erroneous or outright false information. Even though this is typically an honest error, insurance companies will aggressively pursue and report you to the proper authorities for fraudulent claims. If you find yourself facing a situation like this, Criminal Defense Attorney Brian P. Gabriel may be able to help you resolve any impending charges related to this.
Is Lying To Your Car Insurance Company a Felony Charge in Florida?
In short, lying to your insurance company could result in a felony charge in Florida if you do so in filing a false or fraudulent claim. Making a false or fraudulent claim to your insurance company is considered a third-degree felony in the Sunshine State and may be punishable by up to five years in prison.
Those found guilty of this charge could also face stiff fines, up to $5,000 for first-time offenders. Second and third offenses may carry penalties of $10,000 and $15,000, respectively, while those who create fake documentation for such a claim may be on the line for a $50,000 fine. If the information in question was also included in the police report, this might result in additional criminal charges.
What Should You Do If You’ve Been Charged with Filing a Fraudulent Insurance Claim in Florida?
If you have been accused of filing a fraudulent insurance claim in Florida, your first call should be to a reputable criminal defense attorney who has experience in this practice area. Insurance companies avoid paying out claims as often as possible and sometimes accuse you of making false statements when this may not be the case. Sometimes, this accusation may result from miscommunication between you and your insurance company.
Every situation is different, which is why you need a criminal defense attorney with the necessary experience to determine what happened in your case and what possible legal remedies are possible to get the charges against you dropped.
Seek Legal Assistance Immediately If You’ve Been Accused of Lying to Your Car Insurance Company
If you have had to report an accident or other issue with your vehicle to your insurance company, the best first step is to reach out to an attorney immediately. A criminal defense attorney may be able to walk you through exactly what to say and how to convey the facts of the situation in a way that does not allow your insurance company to use what you say against you later. Suppose your insurance company has accused you of being dishonest and filing a fraudulent claim. In that case, it is that much more crucial for you to reach out to a criminal defense attorney on whom you can rely, as this is a criminal offense in Florida. Criminal Defense Attorney Brian Gabriel will handle your case using all the knowledge and skill developed over the span of his lengthy career.
Start with a free consultation today by calling Attorney Brian Gabriel of The Law Office of Gabriel & Gabriel at (561) 622-5575. You can also complete an online contact form to learn more.